
Time Travel to Wisdom

Time Travel to Wisdom Can you imagine traveling in time and returning to the present with the gift of a new perspective? Going back to your past might help you realize a solution to a current problem; going forward might give you guidance from a wise great grandparent you knew or wish you had known, [...]

Now Available–Soul Mothers’ Wisdom

As it turns out, my book is becoming available even sooner than I previously thought. It is very exciting and I hope that the book will help many single mothers and other parents as well. There is much inside that I have been told can benefit a wider audience. Soul Mothers' Wisdom: Seven Insights for [...]

Wisdom for Single Mothers

I have been out of touch here for a bit of time while getting the manuscript of "Soul Mothers' Wisdom/Seven Insights for the Single Mother" ready for galley form. It's been a lot of work, but very gratifying. The galley has been in process of being read and is getting wonderful reviews. These comments and [...]

Did You Know That There are Almost Ten Million Single Mothers?

Trekking the path of single motherhood can sometimes feel as if it is straight up the mountain with no help to cook and make camp. At times loneliness may feel like the only companion. However, we single mothers are strong, resilient, courageous women, blazing the trails for each other, and modeling the courage to carry [...]

Parenting and Patience: A Supply and Demand Situation

Did you know that many of the qualities needed for effective parenting, such as resilience, self-containment, and relaxed maturity exist within the realm of practicing patience-- a parenting commodity in high demand, and often short supply. I'd like to offer you a couple tips for increasing your supply of patience when the demand increases! These [...]

Fun with the Kids: Summer Strategies for Parents

When parents apply a few simple all-purpose tips for creating summer fun with the kids, opportunity happens. You can increase quality time, expand connections with your children, and make summer into more fun for all. Give these simple summer strategies a try! 1. Put together an arts and crafts group for the kids. Simple ideas [...]

Reducing Parenting Stress: Location, Determination, and Support

Your love for your kids, your determination for them to be healthy and successful, and your willingness to support them are feelings shared by parents in all locations. However, parenting stress can be affected by geographic location, financial stability, job status, your ability to find work, your beliefs about raising kids, and the ease with which [...]

Single Parents: Tips for Surviving the Stress…and Beyond

Being a single parent is tough. You have too much responsibility; too many tasks; too many demands; not enough time; not enough sleep; not enough energy; not enough patience; and almost always--not enough money. However, even when you have faded, and your checkbook has fizzled, you can survive and thrive as a single parent. By using [...]

BETCHA You Can Become a Stress Beating Mom

Mom's have stress. It is a fact of life. The BETCHA process, a simple solution for beating stress, can calm you and help you focus more clearly on the parenting situation--or any situation. Just follow these simple steps. 1. Step One: Breathe. Your breath is the pathway to calming your mind and taming your stress. Conscious [...]

Find Hope on The Single Mother Path

  I heard today that Michele Obama once likened her parenting situation to that of a single mother. Very interesting, and very understandable. Whether single by choice, separation, divorce, death of your partner, his/her deployment, or his preoccupation with being president of the United States of America, single mothers have a common denominator. We are [...]

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