Parenting adolescents

Boosting Your Parenting Know-How! Do You Know How?

Have you ever given in to the kids because you can't stand the pleading, you're sick of the bickering, you're worn down by the whining, or you're just plain worn down? Have you ever said "Yes"  to something you thought should be a "No" because it took too much energy to fight? Well, take heart. You [...]

Parenting and Patience: A Supply and Demand Situation

Did you know that many of the qualities needed for effective parenting, such as resilience, self-containment, and relaxed maturity exist within the realm of practicing patience-- a parenting commodity in high demand, and often short supply. I'd like to offer you a couple tips for increasing your supply of patience when the demand increases! These [...]

Fun with the Kids: Summer Strategies for Parents

When parents apply a few simple all-purpose tips for creating summer fun with the kids, opportunity happens. You can increase quality time, expand connections with your children, and make summer into more fun for all. Give these simple summer strategies a try! 1. Put together an arts and crafts group for the kids. Simple ideas [...]

Reducing Parenting Stress: Location, Determination, and Support

Your love for your kids, your determination for them to be healthy and successful, and your willingness to support them are feelings shared by parents in all locations. However, parenting stress can be affected by geographic location, financial stability, job status, your ability to find work, your beliefs about raising kids, and the ease with which [...]

Key Advice for Single Parents

Being a parent may just be the most important job in the world. Being a single parent may just be the hardest. Single parents need a tool kit of practical strategies to use along with common sense, and a healthy dose of mother's (and father's intuition!) Having raised two daughters on my own after their [...]

Teens and Cliques: An Adolescent Phenomenon

Teen Cliques are developmentally normal in adolescence. When these groups of tightly connected young people are founded on positive ideas and principles, they can promote the healthy emotional and psychological growth needed for learning how to cope effectively. While earlier life stages are involved with identification with the nuclear family, adolescence is a time for [...]

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