I heard today that Michele Obama once likened her parenting situation to that of a single mother. Very interesting, and very understandable. Whether single by choice, separation, divorce, death of your partner, his/her deployment, or his preoccupation with being president of the United States of America, single mothers have a common denominator. We are working hard every day, and every day we have the mother lion’s share of responsibility for our children.

However you came to this blessed vocation, the path of single motherhood can take you down a winding road with many hairpin turns along the way. While all single mothers encounter a variety of financial, physical, mental and emotional difficulties, there can be surprising joys as well.  You can find blessings on this difficult path as you travel with grace, dignity and purpose. 

I became a single mother when my children were small. During their growing up years, there were times when I wondered if I could really get them launched. Would I–could I–survive the trials and worries of each year? While there were times of great uncertainty, I was fortunate enough to overcome some major problems in order to stay in my house and keep the children stable in our community.

Some single mothers have more stable resources than I had, but in today’s economy many single moms have financial strains that cause them daily worry and fear. However, despite the issues that you face, you do have the potential to achieve peace of mind,  come to see yourself as a whole person with an intact family, and succeed in prevailing over troubles as you can become a successful single mother.

It is my dream that my book “Soul Mothers’ Wisdom/Seven Insights for the Single Mother” will inspire you to succeed and find courage on this blessed and demanding path.  Single moms need and deserve, to find positive meaning in the life stories we are living. I hope that you will read the book when it is published later this year, or in early 2015. And I hope that what I have to say will help you see that as you mother your children with love and determination for their well being, you create wisdom in your story,

My book will help you see that you can develop the qualities of resilience and strength, and function effectively more of the time. the difficulties you face, when handled with heart and soul, help to make you the wise woman who “knows”–knows what to do and when to do it, and how to handle the trials and triumphs of this often mysterious path.

As single mothers we can help each other find funds of strength and courage inside. And we can raise our children to be healthy, thriving, contributing adults.

There is hope.