Today I wore a gold ring that belonged to my mother. She died 9 years ago today. She died on her wedding anniversary. December 3.

As my mother lay in hospice in 2004, I thought she would pass on 11-11. My father had died years before, and I was convinced that he would come for her on his birthday. But he came on their anniversary, just minutes after noon.

A few months after my mother passed, I had the opportunity to speak with my her sister, my favorite aunt, Bea.  Amazed that my mother had died on her anniversary, I asked Auntie about my parents’ wedding day. “What time of day did they marry?” I asked her. “Oh,” she replied, “I think it was a noon wedding.” To tell you the truth, I was not a bit surprised!

Do you believe in this type of psychic event? Have you had a psychic event in your life? I just finished the  manuscript for my book, “Soul Mothers’ Wisdom/Seven Insights for The Single Mother,” in which I have written about a number of psychic events in my life.

One of the most important of these events was meeting “Nathan,” a minister, a healer, and my first psychic mentor. I guess I could call him that, but he was so much more. Nathan was an angel, literally and figuratively, I believe, who came and went from my life very quickly. Nathan was with me for  exactly the time I needed him. He gave me support that only he could give. Nathan opened the door to my psychic nature for me, and it changed my life.

Perhaps you would write and tell me about some events in your own life that have psychic qualities. They do not have to be dramatic. A psychic event can be as simple or ordinary as knowing when the phone might ring or who is on the other end of the call.

But today is the 9th anniversary of mother’s passing, and I feel her being with me. She was not always easy to deal with, but she was easy to love. She cared deeply for me and for my sister, and over the course of her life she went from skeptical and fearful of the psychic realm to becoming a true believer. Perhaps that is why she welcomed her husband to bring her home at noon on their 65th wedding anniversary.