Bette’s Presentations

You can contact Bette here to inquire about her presentations.


Brief Therapy with Single Mothers

In this workshop participants will experience the way in which sympathetic identification with transformed metaphors, drawn from the substance of personal stories, can fuel an alchemical shift that decreases stress, increases ego strength, and paves the way to inner peace.

Therapists working with single mothers often hear stories of abandonment, disempowerment, loneliness, hopelessness, victimization, rage and unrelenting stress. More…


A Unique Therapeutic Tool: The Transformational Alchemy of Metaphor

The potential to redirect focus and shift internal states constitutes the transformational Alchemy of Metaphor. The unconscious mind embodies powerful potential to transform and/or enhance the metaphors and associated images of the client’s psychic schema. The quiet mind, combined with the evocative and rhythmic language and tools of hypnosis, can produce a shift to more hopeful themes and uplifting interpretations. More…


Simple Strategies for Success as a Single Parent

In this workshop, participants will learn basic strategies for successfully parenting as a single parent. The presentation will include education re: dealing with the stress of parenting– the children’s and the parent’s, as well as basic principles of conflict resolution, anger management and self-care. More…