vintage-wisdom-oracle-12276Have you experienced the materialization of something you have been longing for?

Many of  you know that I believe that we are all psychic. I believe that the psychic dimension is a pathway to inner strength, and can be used to manifest what it is we wish for. Although manifesting your dreams does not mean you will get everything you want, and not always quickly, I believe the psychic dimension can work for you if you are also willing to work for what you want.

A number of years ago, I ran a workshop with my friend and colleague Rick Miller (who btw, just published a book for therapists working with gay men called, “Unwrapped”)  We had people draw pictures of their dreams. I drew a picture of me sitting at a table reading from the book I had just started writing. Now, over a decade later, I have scheduled readings from that book, entitled “Soul Mothers’ Wisdom.

And now another dream is in the manifestation works.

I have been longing for and looking for opportunities to talk about Soul wisdom and to let people know that I am available for “intuitive guidance consultations,” the sessions I used to call “psychic readings.”

I spoke this evening with a woman who hosts a local cable TV show in Portsmouth, NH. She is interested in the psychic dimension of mind, and invited me to be a guest later in the spring.

What are you working on manifesting? You might want to practice vibing it up. Take a moment to picture yourself doing or receiving whatever it is you long for. If you choose to draw it, make it intense and beautiful. You can use colors,  stickers and sparkles. You can spark up your life and manifest your dreams with intention and focus in the psychic dimension, and some work in the outer dimension of  life. Let me know how it is working!