Developing Your Psychic Ability


The use of psychic ability is another way of looking at the mind-body-inner spirit connection. Accessing intuitive information for guidance, healing and peace via the intuitive power in the quiet mind has become an accepted phenomenon.

By using your psychic ability you will be better able to set goals, solve problems, calm emotional discomfort and navigate more effectively through the challenges of everyday life. To begin your psychic development practice, you can use this simple meditation to receive intuitive guidance.

You can sit or lie down.  Pick a spot that you find comfortable and peaceful.  You can stand if you prefer. Then begin to still the mind by taking a few deep breaths and then continuing your normal breathing. Even in a “quiet” mind, thoughts will come in; just notice them without trying to do something about them. Allow them to come and go–go and come.  

Now, just be.  If problems exist that need solving, consider them, without wrestling with them. Pay attention to what your mind offers; no need to stop or to grab onto the images and thoughts that arise.  Contemplation of what you have received can come later to help you comprehend the way the psychic impressions are relative to your concerns.

You can also talk to a trusted friend, counselor or clergy person to better understand how the intuitive can be applied for help with the practical. Continued practice will show you the way your psychic ability will surprise and amaze you, and inspire you with wisdom for facing the challenges of life.