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Renewing the Gift

Writer: Bette FreedsonBette Freedson

Updated: Mar 14

We are all born with a gift. Each of us possesses a deep dimension of mind, wherein resides intuition and the potential for developing and utilizing the wisdom of your natural psychic ability. Some spiritual teachers believe that as little children we have deeply attuned intuitive eyes, able to see into other realms and other dimensions. Later as we grow and become acculturated to our left brain, cognitive, practicality oriented Western culture, the potential of intuitive resources can become overlooked in favor of linear views of knowledge and of life.

This may result in some of us tuning out of the inner wise voice, possibly thereby, turning away from an aspect of mind that can help us to cope, to make decisions and to live our lives with greater calm, even in turbulent times.

It is my view that we need both the conscious linear wisdom of our left brain’s orientation and also the wisdom embodied in the right brain, the more emotional non-linear, non-conscious resources that also contribute to our authenticity and to our holistic nature.

We all embody these inborn gifts of psychic knowing, resources that are available and often operating, even when we don’t fully realize it. When we make ourselves more aware, hunches and insights that are being provided can help us relieve stress and live life more wisely and peacefully.

Some interesting quotes from famous people help to make this point.

“Intuition enlightens and so links up with pure thought. They together become an intelligence which is not simply of the brain, which does not calculate, but feels and thinks.” – Piet Mondrian

“There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.” – Albert Einstein


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