Bette’s Soul Wisdom Blog

Bette’s Soul Wisdom Blog2021-03-15T20:37:53+00:00

Bette’s Blog

Followers of Bette’s Blogs, as well as occasional visitors, have found Bette’s posts to offer food for thought, help for daily coping, and guidance for larger life issues. Please take a moment to take a look at Bette’s Blog.

Inspiration for Today: Practice Simple Mindedness

Mindfulness is the rage du jour. And I do love the idea and the practice of it. But the other day an interesting thing happened that made me think about my mind a little differently.I picked up an article my colleague had given me with the title "Simple Mindfulness." But I misread it as "Simple Mindedness!" Yes, I did say Simple Mindedness! I blinked and looked [...]

By |May 18th, 2013|Raising Your Children|1 Comment

Psychic Readings Revisited

For years I did psychic readings. No, I would not tell your fortune, or what number you should play, but I could intuitively tune in and tell you some things about yourself. My dear friend and psychic mentor, Herb Dewey, taught me how to trust my inner sentience or my inner knowing sense. I did 100's of readings before and during social work school. But [...]

By |May 10th, 2013|Life Lessons, Psychic Topics|1 Comment

Landing on a Strange Planet

I have just connected my very new Facebook page with my not-so-new blog. Not having "grown up" with the terrain of social media, I find myself feeling like I have landed on a strange planet. What will I find here? Will the connection connect with what I think it is connecting with? As I rove around the cyber world of Facebook--and its relationship to my [...]

By |May 10th, 2013|Life Lessons|0 Comments

Inspirations for Single Moms: You Can Use Your Soul-ar Power

I am working on the idea of Soul-ar powered parenting for my book, "Soul Mothers' Wisdom..."  I think that the idea of "Soul-ar power" captures the essence of what it means to use all your resources as a parent (and as a person!)--your head, your heart, as well as those inner whispers that tell you what is authentic about you and how you really want [...]

By |May 4th, 2013|Life Lessons, Parenting, Single Mothers, Spirit|0 Comments

A Word of Hope for Single Mothers: Faith in the Midst of Struggle

If you are a single mother searching for resolution in the midst of a struggle, have faith. You are doing the hardest job on the planet. Very likely you are exhausted, and you may have had some deep disappointments. But underneath it all, you have the willingness and courage to wake up each day and do what has to be done. Bringing up children as [...]

By |April 15th, 2013|Managing Stress, Single Mothers, Spirit|0 Comments

Help and Inspiration: from the Past and Beyond

Recently I received some help and inspiration from the past--and maybe from the beyond.What happened reminded me that I have resources, not always fully recognized, that have, and can continue to, carry me forward in my life.  An experience of this type happened a few days ago, while I was sorting out some papers in my attic. I love my attic. It contains archives of [...]

By |April 13th, 2013|Life Lessons, Psychic Topics, Spirit|0 Comments

My Favorite Prayers and the Answers to Them (aka: My Sanity “Plea”)

Sanity is a good thing. But for us regular people, who are clinically "sane," what does it mean to be "sane?" Here is the type of sanity that I pray for to help me act and be "sane" on daily basis. Amazing answers have come, and still come, to these prayers. I bet you also have some great ideas about what it means to be [...]

By |March 31st, 2013|Life Lessons, Managing Stress, Spirit|0 Comments

Advice for Single Mothers: Your Soul Has Wisdom

In 2000 I began writing a book for single mothers. I will finish it this year and it will be published in 2014. The premise of my book, entitled "Soul Mothers' Wisdom," is that each of us has an intuitive guidance system, and inner spirit, a "soul" that can guide us in all situations, especially the ones that cause us to struggle with overwhelming odds, [...]

By |March 25th, 2013|Life Lessons, Single Mothers|0 Comments
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