Bette’s Soul Wisdom Blog

Bette’s Soul Wisdom Blog2021-03-15T20:37:53+00:00

Bette’s Blog

Followers of Bette’s Blogs, as well as occasional visitors, have found Bette’s posts to offer food for thought, help for daily coping, and guidance for larger life issues. Please take a moment to take a look at Bette’s Blog.

Some Advice About Bringing Up Resilient Children

Nature? Nurture? What makes the child who she is? Experts seem to agree that the make up of the child is going to be a result of both. The good news for parents is that you can influence the life skills your child develops and the resilience they have for coping with life. Resilience, defined simply as the ability to adapt to circumstances, especially difficult ones, is [...]

By |March 23rd, 2013|Managing Stress, Parenting|2 Comments

Advice for Single Mothers: Get to Know the Soul in Your Story

Everyone has a story, and single mothers have some pretty interesting ones. Whether partnered, re-partnered, not partnered, or even married (Yes, some married women parent alone!) you  are doing the hardest job on the planet, and you have amazing stories. The inner being of your truest self, your spirit, the self that knows what is best to do in any situation, your "soul," can be recognized when [...]

By |March 20th, 2013|Life Lessons, Single Mothers|0 Comments

Advice for Parents: You are People Too!

Parents give so much. We give to our kids, to our families, and to our communities, all in the hope that we can make a better life for our children. But bear in mind that while giving is good, it is also good to give to yourself. The more you thrive as a parent, the better your children will do. Parents are people too, and [...]

By |March 20th, 2013|Life Lessons, Parenting|0 Comments

ADVICE for PARENTS : Self Injurious Behaviors

Self injurious behaviors in various forms, such as cutting, has become a wide spread behavior among teens, especially young girls.  Any form of cutting or self-mutilation is considered a Self-Injurious Behavior. (SIB) SIB’s are not considered recreational, casual, or frivolous, but rather a matter of serious concern.  Most often, self-injury is an indication that the individual is attempting to deal with some mental stress or [...]

By |March 19th, 2013|Parenting, Raising Your Children|0 Comments

Relationship Success/A Heart Healthy recipe

Here is a simple recipe for a great relationship. If you let this simmer it will get better over time! Once you have this recipe mastered, the rest is all gravy! The ingredients: Love, Affection, Commitment, Communication, Appreciation, Friendship and Respect: Amounts will differ based on daily consistency. The basic mixture: Take 2 heartsfull of love Add a full measure of commitment Stir in heaping measure [...]

By |March 19th, 2013|Couples|0 Comments

Top Tips for Single Mothers

Do you wonder sometimes how you are going to make it through a long day, or whether you will find true love--again, or for the first time? Well, you will make it through the day and you might find that true love. But the top tips for single moms have to do with loving yourself, loving the moment you are in and not sweating the [...]

By |March 17th, 2013|Single Mothers|0 Comments
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