Intuitive Guidance

Parenting and Patience: A Supply and Demand Situation

Did you know that many of the qualities needed for effective parenting, such as resilience, self-containment, and relaxed maturity exist within the realm of practicing patience-- a parenting commodity in high demand, and often short supply. I'd like to offer you a couple tips for increasing your supply of patience when the demand increases! These [...]

Single Parents: Tips for Surviving the Stress…and Beyond

Being a single parent is tough. You have too much responsibility; too many tasks; too many demands; not enough time; not enough sleep; not enough energy; not enough patience; and almost always--not enough money. However, even when you have faded, and your checkbook has fizzled, you can survive and thrive as a single parent. By using [...]

Children’s Bedtime/Help and Hope for The Bewitching Hour

Are you bothered and bewildered at the bewitching hour between the “day” job, and the “night job,” aka dinner time and bedtime for the kids? If so, there is hope. By incorporating five simple strategies, and a few tips, into the hours before the kids are tucked away, and as they are going to bed, [...]

BETCHA You Can Become a Stress Beating Mom

Mom's have stress. It is a fact of life. The BETCHA process, a simple solution for beating stress, can calm you and help you focus more clearly on the parenting situation--or any situation. Just follow these simple steps. 1. Step One: Breathe. Your breath is the pathway to calming your mind and taming your stress. Conscious [...]

Psychically Respectable and Respectfully Psychic

Have you wondered how come psychic readings have gotten a bad reputation and a bad rap? What is it about neon hands glowing from second story windows that seem to shout out "shlock!" Granted, as in every business, there is some "shlock" in the psychic business, and we could analyze the "how come," but I [...]

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