Life Lessons

Have You Experienced the Transformational Force of Feelings?

There is no one who has not felt strong feelings of sadness, fear, anger, grief and a mix of many other emotions, including painful ones. However, despite the fact that there will be painful feelings, the way you choose to view your pain and the way you cope with it can make you feel like [...]

Love–you can find it!

Love.....You want it, maybe you thought you had it, maybe you do have it and want it to last, and you can tell when it is the real thing! How? Well, it is different for everyone and often single moms (and many people in general!) are looking for love in all the wrong places. But [...]

By |2024-01-29T16:33:13+00:00January 29th, 2024|Life Lessons, Single Mothers|

Coping Constructively–Nix the Negativity

Everyday in every way I am involved in some way with helping people to cope. Whether personally or professionally devised and delivered, coping tips are the same for all, including me! Here are a few of my favorites to help you nix your negativity and cope with life with greater peace of mind. 1. Re-set [...]

The CORE Approach to Therapy: Helping Jennie Find Resilience

A 58-year-old CT scan technician at a local hospital, the youngest of three sisters, and a recovering alcoholic, Jennie came to therapy four months after healing from surgery to repair an atrial septic defect, one of two major congenital holes in her heart. The repair of one of the major defects, and other secondary repairs [...]

Laugh In the New Year!

Humor, smiling and especially laughing are good for you. You can practice smiling, and you can laugh for no reason at all, according to pioneers in "laugh-therapy." Smiling can begin your laughter, and because it is very contagious laughing is a wonderful way to connect, bond, and find camaraderie with others. The benefits of laughing [...]

Time Travel to Wisdom

Time Travel to Wisdom Can you imagine traveling in time and returning to the present with the gift of a new perspective? Going back to your past might help you realize a solution to a current problem; going forward might give you guidance from a wise great grandparent you knew or wish you had known, [...]

Single Parents: Three Tips for Creating Self Wholeness

Single Parents, You are  doing one of the hardest jobs known to mankind or womankind. And in the middle of the job at times you might forget who you are. But take heart, for you are more than an extension of your children. You are you--a whole person, even though in the middle of the [...]

A Writer Happy to Be Found

The post-publication journey is a new one, and an interesting one. Being an author is bringing me in contact with new people and new venues for bringing the Soul Wisdom message into the larger community. For this I am grateful. Last week I was interviewed by Suzette Standring for her show, "It's All Write With Suzette." Suzette [...]

By |2016-12-02T22:21:57+00:00April 27th, 2015|Life Lessons, soul wisdom book, Writing|

Are You Giving Yourself “Attitude” About Single Parent Stress?

I know from talking to many single parents, and from my own experience, that single moms and dads have a lot of stress from having to do it all. However, it is possible to reduce the doing-it-all stress of single parenting. Some stress reduction strategies require taking action steps like creating a support network, asking [...]

By |2016-12-02T22:21:57+00:00March 31st, 2015|Life Lessons, Single Mothers, Stress Management|
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