Raising Your Children

Moms– Thrive in Connection and See Parenting Improve!

Married, partnered or single, moms are working hard in the home, outside of the home, and usually both! Often moms are so busy and stressed, that they may feel alone or isolated. Have you ever experienced thoughts like these or the feelings that go with them? “I’m going stir crazy just home alone all day [...]

Key Advice for Single Parents

Being a parent may just be the most important job in the world. Being a single parent may just be the hardest. Single parents need a tool kit of practical strategies to use along with common sense, and a healthy dose of mother's (and father's intuition!) Having raised two daughters on my own after their [...]

Single Moms and Summer: You Can Survive the Season!

School will be out soon, and summer, beautiful as it is, can be a challenging time for single moms. Summer's requirements for keeping children busy and safe can present problems not easily resolved without extra financial resources. However, taking care of the kids during the summer on a single mother's budget is possible. It requires [...]

Children’s Bedtime/Help and Hope for The Bewitching Hour

Are you bothered and bewildered at the bewitching hour between the “day” job, and the “night job,” aka dinner time and bedtime for the kids? If so, there is hope. By incorporating five simple strategies, and a few tips, into the hours before the kids are tucked away, and as they are going to bed, [...]

Teens and Cliques: An Adolescent Phenomenon

Teen Cliques are developmentally normal in adolescence. When these groups of tightly connected young people are founded on positive ideas and principles, they can promote the healthy emotional and psychological growth needed for learning how to cope effectively. While earlier life stages are involved with identification with the nuclear family, adolescence is a time for [...]

Taming Tantrums: Strategies for Tempering the Tempers!

How much do you dread your child's temper tantrums? When a child melts down, it is not always easy, but always important and particularly helpful, for parents to keep their cool! So take heart. Although these moments present an unwelcome challenge, they are manageable and when handled wisely can make parenting easier as you go [...]

Single Mothers: The Most Valuable Players Every Day

Every day single mothers are on the scene, usually behind the scenes, doing one of, if not  the, hardest job on the planet, going mostly unrecognized for their tremendous contribution to their families and communities. But last week the NBA's pick for most valuable player of the 2014 season, Kevin Durant, brought to light the value [...]

By |2014-05-11T07:19:06+00:00May 11th, 2014|Raising Your Children|

Find Hope on The Single Mother Path

  I heard today that Michele Obama once likened her parenting situation to that of a single mother. Very interesting, and very understandable. Whether single by choice, separation, divorce, death of your partner, his/her deployment, or his preoccupation with being president of the United States of America, single mothers have a common denominator. We are [...]

Hope and Encouragement for Single Moms

When I was going through the hardest years of bringing up my children as a single mother, including dating or having some years with a partner, what I most needed was hope and encouragement that I could see this incredible journey through to the conclusion of launching my children into adulthood. I needed voices of [...]

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