Soul Wisdom

Psychically Respectable and Respectfully Psychic

Have you wondered how come psychic readings have gotten a bad reputation and a bad rap? What is it about neon hands glowing from second story windows that seem to shout out "shlock!" Granted, as in every business, there is some "shlock" in the psychic business, and we could analyze the "how come," but I [...]

Coping Constructively–Nix the Negativity

Everyday in every way I am involved in some way with helping people to cope. Whether personally or professionally devised and delivered, coping tips are the same for all, including me! Here are a few of my favorites to help you nix your negativity and cope with life with greater peace of mind. 1. Re-set [...]

The Blessing of a True Friend

Having a true friend, a real friend, is a blessing that happens once or twice in a life time. I am off to Florida tomorrow to visit my closest friend. "Friend" is not quite the right term for Risa. She has been more like a sister, a nuclear family member. Over many years of growing, [...]

By |2016-12-02T22:22:06+00:00March 1st, 2014|Soul Wisdom|

Stories of Soul Wisdom

  I have always been fascinated by people's stories. It makes sense that I became a clinical social worker, a therapist. I love hearing about people's stories and finding the roots and blossoms of their strengths. The manuscript for "Soul Mothers' Wisdom/Seven Insights for the Single Mother," officially delivered to Pearlsong Press, and due for publication [...]

The Incredible Stories of Single Moms

I have always been fascinated by people's stories. I guess that is why I went into the business I am in. I remember how, when I was an adolescent in the no-cell-phone and just- before-the-cordless era, I sat in my mother's closet with the long curly cord just under the closed door as I "counseled" [...]

Empowerment Thought for SIngle Moms–Finding the Voice of Deep Knowing

Your Voice of deep knowing is a voice of health and intuition. It is the inner sound of your peaceful soul that whispers healing truth to you in your darkest moments, and your lightest. It is possible to reach your inner voice even in the midst of turmoil. When you quiet your mind through relaxation, [...]

By |2013-12-03T22:24:27+00:00December 3rd, 2013|Managing Stress, Soul Mother Wisdom, Soul Wisdom, Spirit|
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