Women’s Issues

The CORE Approach to Therapy: Helping Jennie Find Resilience

A 58-year-old CT scan technician at a local hospital, the youngest of three sisters, and a recovering alcoholic, Jennie came to therapy four months after healing from surgery to repair an atrial septic defect, one of two major congenital holes in her heart. The repair of one of the major defects, and other secondary repairs [...]

Single Parents: Three Tips for Creating Self Wholeness

Single Parents, You are  doing one of the hardest jobs known to mankind or womankind. And in the middle of the job at times you might forget who you are. But take heart, for you are more than an extension of your children. You are you--a whole person, even though in the middle of the [...]

A Mother’s Travels To Wisdom

Reprinted with permission from http://motherhoodlater.co on 3-18-16 Can you imagine traveling in time and returning to the present with the gift of a new perspective? Going back to your past might help you realize a solution to a current problem, while going forward might comfort you with guidance from a wise great grandmother, your own inner elder. [...]

Soul Mothers’ Wisdom Has Launched!

On March first, my book, Soul Mothers' Wisdom:Seven Insights For The Single Mother was officially released. On that day, I was in NYC at Master Class with Jeff Zeig, Ph.D. sharing an amazing experience with my husband, Ray Amidon, a family therapist, and talented therapists from various parts of the US and around the world. It [...]

Now Available–Soul Mothers’ Wisdom

As it turns out, my book is becoming available even sooner than I previously thought. It is very exciting and I hope that the book will help many single mothers and other parents as well. There is much inside that I have been told can benefit a wider audience. Soul Mothers' Wisdom: Seven Insights for [...]

Soul Mothers’ Wisdom–The Book!

Soul Mothers' Wisdom: Seven Insights for Single Mothers will be available on March 1, 2015 from Pearlsong Press and from Amazon. Where else? I will let you know. SMW contains many stories from my own life as a single mother, including my discovery of my psychic gifts. You will also read inspirational stories of other [...]

Wisdom for Single Mothers

I have been out of touch here for a bit of time while getting the manuscript of "Soul Mothers' Wisdom/Seven Insights for the Single Mother" ready for galley form. It's been a lot of work, but very gratifying. The galley has been in process of being read and is getting wonderful reviews. These comments and [...]

Did You Know That There are Almost Ten Million Single Mothers?

Trekking the path of single motherhood can sometimes feel as if it is straight up the mountain with no help to cook and make camp. At times loneliness may feel like the only companion. However, we single mothers are strong, resilient, courageous women, blazing the trails for each other, and modeling the courage to carry [...]

A Season to Bloom as a Single Parent

Did you know that it is possible to bloom as a single parent in any season-- even in summer when the kids are out of school? Staying aware of how various important factors affect your children and yourself can make your parenting skills a blooming success. Four of these critical factors are embodied in a clever acronym [...]

Moms– Thrive in Connection and See Parenting Improve!

Married, partnered or single, moms are working hard in the home, outside of the home, and usually both! Often moms are so busy and stressed, that they may feel alone or isolated. Have you ever experienced thoughts like these or the feelings that go with them? “I’m going stir crazy just home alone all day [...]

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