
What Is It and How Do I Know If I Have It?

Have you ever had a hunch or a dream that revealed the answer to a dilemma? We live in a culture where traditionally we have been encouraged to use only the logical mind to solve problems. However, we all have a deeper knowing aspect to our minds that over the last couple of decades has begun to be recognized in our Western society as an important dimension of our thinking and coping capacity. We have all had the experience of a knowing moment—the ringing phone that brings the call we “knew” was coming; a “hunch” that comes to pass; an event about which we say, “I knew that was coming!” This type of Clear knowing can be clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, precognitive or some combination of all. Those aspects of deeper knowing that inform us of something we knew nothing about, are often referred to as psychic. Not all resources in the mind are psychic in nature. However, all of the deeper knowing parts of the mind can be thought of as intuitive; and can be recognized as symbols and information that we can use to direct daily life.

But what is intuition really? Is it just something lucky people have? The answer is that we all have intuition, that part of our sense of knowing, called sentience, that informs us with a “feeling” about something, often not in words but through images and pictures in the mind. Intuitive knowing uses both the information in is conscious knowledge; and the more “psychic” sense of the rational mind that knowing something we have no conscious knowledge about. Sometimes intuitive impressions can be so fleeting that we do not recognize them. Or they can be so compelling that we cannot ignore them.
The more we learn how to recognize the way our own deeper knowing operates, the more access we have to powerful resources in the mind that can aid us in coping, healing and achieving a feeling of well-being in life.

For the most part the resources within the mind that can inform us on a deeper knowing level are not the mind-blowing psychic prediction, but rather the ordinary and mundane. Ability to identify your intuition comes with practice. As you practice you will become able to recognize and pursue hunches, make difficult decisions more easily, and believe in the correctness of your choices. When you use your intuitive mind along with your logical mind, you will be directed toward the right action for a particular situation. Intuition is not just something that happens to you. You can also learn to use intuition as an ally in running your life. Accessing and using intuition is an art, a skill, and a joy; for intuition is a tool that you can use to understand yourself more fully, heal yourself, provide relief from life’s burdens, and to enhance the very quality of life itself.