
Using both didactic material as well as experiential learning, this workshop will explore the various types of groups that may be used in clinical social work practice to enhance positive psychosocial outcomes, while potentially increasing demographic volume. The workshop will address the following issues:

  • How to compose a group
  • How to identify which clients are appropriate for a group
  • How to apply dynamic differences in the facilitation of different types of groups
  • How to understand issues around referring to one’s own group
  • How to prepare the client for a group, and the group for a new client

Particular emphasis will be placed upon groups as vehicles for personal and social empowerment with regard to diversity and advocacy within the social environment.

Participants will be able to contrast and compare at least three different types of groups that could be used to enhance their clinical practices on the bases of composition, facilitation, and group objectives, and will be able to discuss at least three features necessary for identifying a client’s appropriateness and the key elements for preparation for a group experience. In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to develop an initial design of a group for their clinical practices.

Topics include:

Thinking Traps

Banish Burnout and Restore Balance

Burnout: Prevention and Survival

Brief Therapy with Single Mothers

The Transformational Alchemy of Metaphor

Simple Strategies for Thriving Success as a Parent

Reach Them While They Dream/Deep Relaxation, Visualization and Didactics Can Collaborate to Teach Emotional and Social Skills to Kids

Stress Management in the Workplace

Staying in One Peace In Difficult Situations