I was about seven when the recurring dreams began. It was always the same; an old farmhouse on a gentle rise of lawn, with two chimneys on the roof, and a large weeping willow in front. There were no people and no movement in the dreams. Rather It seemed as if the house was calling to me, welcoming me, and waiting.

I forgot these dreams for many decades until one day, on a walk, looking around the quiet road, I became momentarily transfixed; for there it was. Grey with a red shingled roof and a center entrance. Clearly not new, it stood stately, and proud on a sloping grass knoll, with a beautiful willow in front. I felt as if I was meeting an old friend, as if the house was assuring that when the time was right it would open its doors and take me in.

Three or four years went by after that day, and again I forgot—until the house hunting—until our buyer’s agent told us she knew about a certain house; it wasn’t on the market yet, the owners loved the house, wanted people who would love it too; and they were willing to show it early, but only if the people might really be right.

Now I remembered; now I knew. When we turned the key, before I even looked inside, I knew I was home.

What I’d not seen in the dreams, however, was the large falling apart, post-and-beam barn behind the house. That situation was to become a different kind of dream, an intuitive tug to renovate, as well as the pull to trust what psychically we felt would ultimately be alright.

We needed the willingness to deal with the practical work and conscious trust in the intuitive rightness of a project that would take almost three years.

One night in the middle of it all we were particularly discouraged. The builders we thought we’d found had disappeared. Disappointed, yet hopeful, we assured ourselves that they weren’t right; that the right ones would come.

Firm in the trust of this belief, we went out to the barn and consulted the benevolent ghosts of 300 years. We asked for their help, assuring them that it was also their home and that even though change was coming, they were welcome to stay. Two weeks later the right crew was at our door.

Now almost 20 years since we’ve been enjoying our “barn casa,” there seems to be renewed interest in the power of intuition. Like Ray and me, many now realize that the realm of Psychic wisdom is not a woo-woo concept, but the reality of a natural ability that can be developed, nurtured, and utilized in fulfilling goals and dreams. Indeed, Psychic Wisdom is in the mind, and sometimes it’s in your dreams.

Are you among those who have already realized, or are coming to believe in this powerful Intuitive gift of the mind? Or are you on the cutting edge, the cusp of realizing how this innate power can enhance your life.?

For the development of your psychic gifts, I am offering two Psychic Studio Groups this fall–One for both lay and professional people, and another specifically for clinicians who want to become intuitively informed in their work. Please contact me for more information.