Summer brings bright days of delight, of enjoying of the sun’s warm rays. While thinking about how fast these sweet days go by, it occurred to me that light is a kind of time traveler, emanating from its source in the past, arriving at its destination far into the future.
If light can last the long time it takes to reach us, I thought, could the healing effects of today’s sun, shine into our own personal futures? If you like this idea, you can use imagination and somatic wisdom to bring today’s light and warmth into your tomorrow. Here’s how.
Choose a sweet spot on a sunny day, outside or inside by a door or a window. As you feel yourself absorbing the pleasurable sensations of the sunlight, memorize feelings of warmth and calm that may arise. Notice the felt sense of how this experience seems to mitigate stress and bring you to a peaceful place.
Taking an easy breath, settle into the somatic sensations that are most comfortable, comforting and compatible for you, and imagine storing the pleasant sensations and thoughts in your inner mind, and in your body. Affirm that you can call on these somatically and cognitively experienced memories at any time.
For those of you who might prefer the cool, shadiness of the woods, or a different preferred setting, you can do the same thing. Walk on your favorite trail, or go to your special place, and memorize what you see, what you feel and what peaceful and pleasurable sensations arise within.
Later, when the snow is flying or stress is rising, you can travel into the past, bringing back these stored memories through the channels of your inner psychic time zones. In this way past light can be present, enlightening your mind, healing your body, and restoring your soul.