
About Bette Freedson

Bette J. Freedson is a clinical social worker, practicing in Southern Maine. She is also the author of many articles. Bette’s first book, “Soul Mothers’ Wisdom/Seven Insights for the Single Mother,” is available at Pearlsong Press.

Coping Constructively–Nix the Negativity

Everyday in every way I am involved in some way with helping people to cope. Whether personally or professionally devised and delivered, coping tips are the same for all, including me! Here are a few of my favorites to help you nix your negativity and cope with life with greater peace of mind. 1. Re-set [...]

Thankful for Intuition

Thankful for Intuition Have a Consultation with Your Soul Wisdom   Many of you know me as a clinical social worker, and some of you know me as a psychic. For those of you who do not know me as a psychic, you may be disappointed or maybe pleased to hear that I am not [...]

By |2023-11-01T16:26:40+00:00November 1st, 2023|Intuitive Guidance, Soul Wisdom|

The CORE Approach to Therapy: Helping Jennie Find Resilience

A 58-year-old CT scan technician at a local hospital, the youngest of three sisters, and a recovering alcoholic, Jennie came to therapy four months after healing from surgery to repair an atrial septic defect, one of two major congenital holes in her heart. The repair of one of the major defects, and other secondary repairs [...]

Laugh In the New Year!

Humor, smiling and especially laughing are good for you. You can practice smiling, and you can laugh for no reason at all, according to pioneers in "laugh-therapy." Smiling can begin your laughter, and because it is very contagious laughing is a wonderful way to connect, bond, and find camaraderie with others. The benefits of laughing [...]

Tapping Into Your Intuition

Tapping Into Your Intuition   This is not the first time I’ve written about intuition. The article, “Tapping Into Intuition” was first published in the September-October edition of Coast & Country Magazine, a north of Boston publication, in 1983. The article began with a brief visualization exercise, like all my exercises designed to help people [...]

By |2022-10-31T18:44:31+00:00October 31st, 2022|Intuitive Guidance|

Trusting Intuition

Intuition, simply put, is another way of attaining knowledge. It is not a linear process, but rather an experience of knowing that puts together what you’ve know consciously, what you know non-consciously and what just sense. Intuition presents through the mind—and the body– with images, hunches, somatic experiences and mini-ideas that just pop in. For [...]

By |2022-10-04T20:59:55+00:00October 4th, 2022|Stress Management|

Your Body Tells the Truth

When the proverbial hits the fan with high velocity stress, where do you turn for wise direction? While processing a problem with your support team is an excellent coping strategy, have you discovered that intelligent guidance is also available from a wise source within? If you have tuned into your body when facing a problem, [...]

By |2022-04-25T21:45:49+00:00April 25th, 2022|Guest Blog|
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