
The Power of Your Psychic Mind

Did you know that deep within, you already possess the answers to some of your most challenging problems? Your psychic mind is a powerful tool, often working quietly in the background, guiding you with subtle messages and intuitive nudges. When we tune in to this inner wisdom, we can uncover solutions that might seem hidden [...]

By |2025-01-23T00:14:00+00:00November 6th, 2024|Healing, Inner Power, Psychic Topics|

Have You Experienced the Transformational Force of Feelings?

There is no one who has not felt strong feelings of sadness, fear, anger, grief and a mix of many other emotions, including painful ones. However, despite the fact that there will be painful feelings, the way you choose to view your pain and the way you cope with it can make you feel like [...]

On Your Soul’s Journey: Embody Happiness On Your Soul’s Journey: Embody Happiness

Four years ago, at Kripalu, my colleague and friend Michele Tamaren and I taught a weekend program titled, “A Woman’s Sacred Journey.” We presented our work from the perspective of Positive Psychology combined with intuition; This blog combines some our thoughts about finding happiness on your life’s soul journey--whatever your gender. Happiness as a path [...]

By |2021-10-07T22:16:21+00:00September 1st, 2021|Healing, Inner Power, Soul Wisdom|

Developing your Psychic Ability

Developing Your Psychic Ability   The use of psychic ability is another way of looking at the mind-body-inner spirit connection. Accessing intuitive information for guidance, healing and peace via the intuitive power in the quiet mind has become an accepted phenomenon. By using your psychic ability you will be better able to set goals, solve [...]

Time Travel to Wisdom

Time Travel to Wisdom Can you imagine traveling in time and returning to the present with the gift of a new perspective? Going back to your past might help you realize a solution to a current problem; going forward might give you guidance from a wise great grandparent you knew or wish you had known, [...]

Psyching Up For Everyday Life

Psychics are often thought to have unusual powers. In fact, there is such a mystique surrounding “the psychic dimension” that many people are willing to suspend their own opinions and decisions for the “insights” and “intuition” of the psychic. Of course valuable material can be brought forth in a reading and there are many talented [...]

Soul Mothers’ Wisdom–The Book!

I am thrilled to announce that Soul Mothers' Wisdom: Seven Insights for the Single Mother has officially been published by Pearlsong Press. http://pearlsong.com/bette_freedson.htm The book will be available in paperback and ebook on March 1st. I think that there is a "peek inside the book" already on Amazon. I am also very happy to tell [...]

Real Inner Power: Do You Have It?

Whether by chance, circumstance or choice, most people go through situational upheavals when they become single parents. Finances, family relationships, social roles, and living situations are some of the life altering changes that can feel as if a personal tsunami has washed ashore and washed away the life you knew. When dealing with such cataclysmic [...]

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