
Intuition, simply put, is another way of attaining knowledge. It is not a linear process, but rather an experience of knowing that puts together what you’ve know consciously, what you know non-consciously and what just sense. Intuition presents through the mind—and the body– with images, hunches, somatic experiences and mini-ideas that just pop in. For example, intuitive knowing occurs with experiences called “clairsentience, as when you have a feeling-sense that your best friend is about to call or text, and he does.

Intuition is natural a human capacity, endowed by nature as part of our ability to think. Intuition is about accessing information through a non-rational (not irrational) way of knowing that involves both the mind, the body and the capacity to use inner sensing. Sometimes intuition happens so automatically that its wisdom goes unnoticed and unrealized. Your mind and body are intuitive communicators. Paying attention can reveal wisdom.

Learning how to recognize and trust the unique ways your own intuition presents its information can take some dedication, motivation and practice. However, if you are willing to learn how to access, utilize and trust this amazing gift, you will find its benefits will enlighten and enhance your work and your life. In my book, Other Realms, Other Ways I discuss in more detail the nature of intuition and how you can learn to recognize and apply your own intuitive insights in work and in life.

If you’d like to develop your psychic/intuitive capacities, you might be interested in my seminar called “The Psychic Studio” where you will speak to like-minded others and practice recognizing and accessing your skills. In this seminar we will discuss your personal psychic experiences, the language of the psychics, psychic energy—and much more. Message me via this website for more information.