Well, almost a month into the official release of Soul Mothers’ Wisdom: Seven Insights for the Single Mother, I am finding that I am developing a new relationship with the book I spent over a decade researching, interviewing and writing.
This is an unexpected and rather odd experience.
It is as if the book has taken on its own life and has become an entity with which I am somewhat unfamiliar. As I read the book for public readings and interviews, I am re-acquainting myself with the words and ideas that once had been so familiar that at times they almost had no meaning–like when you repeat a word over and over and it becomes merely a sound.
In this new phase, the meanings I felt so close to have new and deeper meanings, as if the book I wrote is now my teacher, calling upon me to think and reflect on the concepts it now owns.
At this time my book challenges me to consider the idea of “Soul Wisdom” itself. In SMW I conceptualized Soul Wisdom as intuition that comes from deeper knowing that emanates from the psychic dimension of mind, and informs the authentic Self.
Insight Five discusses in more detail my journey into world of psychic knowing.
What I am realizing is that the concept I call “Soul Wisdom” is many layered. I will be continuing to write about many of these ideas.
On one level, Wisdom of the Soul might be thought of as “healing, ” which occasionally, but not necessarily, is synonymous with curing. Healing related to Wisdom might have to do with clearing the mind of the chatter that takes us away from our authentic truth.
Healing that helps us cleanse layers of detritus from old emotional wounds can open a channel for “hearing” the wisdom of your Soul.
I am curious to know what readers of this blog or of Soul Mothers’ Wisdom have to say about how you conceptualize “Soul Wisdom,” and how you use that wisdom to guide your life.
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