
About Bette Freedson

Bette J. Freedson is a clinical social worker, practicing in Southern Maine. She is also the author of many articles. Bette’s first book, “Soul Mothers’ Wisdom/Seven Insights for the Single Mother,” is available at Pearlsong Press.

What’s Your Story?

By Bette Freedson We all have a fascinating story. Some of you might write about it, some may talk about it, and some may not say much at all. However, every one of us has coped with life events that hold the seeds and secrets of our inner strengths. Embedded in the chapters of each [...]

By |2021-10-07T22:16:12+00:00October 7th, 2021|Managing Stress, Stress Management|

On Your Soul’s Journey: Embody Happiness On Your Soul’s Journey: Embody Happiness

Four years ago, at Kripalu, my colleague and friend Michele Tamaren and I taught a weekend program titled, “A Woman’s Sacred Journey.” We presented our work from the perspective of Positive Psychology combined with intuition; This blog combines some our thoughts about finding happiness on your life’s soul journey--whatever your gender. Happiness as a path [...]

By |2021-10-07T22:16:21+00:00September 1st, 2021|Healing, Inner Power, Soul Wisdom|

Before I Was a Therapist, I Was A Psychic

In my new book "Other Realms, Other Ways: A Clinician’s Guide to the Magick of Intuition", I tell my readers, “Before I was a social worker, I was a psychic.” I knew from the time I was very young that I had the gift of intuition, a human capacity that can be developed, honed and [...]

By |2021-10-07T22:16:38+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Stress Management|

Getting Psyched Up for Every Day Life

Have you ever considered that you are psychic? It’s often thought that psychics have unusual and special powers. In fact, there is such a mystique surrounding “the psychic dimension” that many people are willing to suspend their own opinions and decisions for the insights of The Psychic. While valuable material can be brought forth by [...]

By |2021-05-18T15:37:03+00:00May 18th, 2021|Stress Management|

Developing Inner Power

Developing Inner Power The Paradox of Resilience I have often wondered about the paradox of inner power. I find it curious that we often associate feeling vulnerable with being weak, while denying these feeling is associated with strength, with being tough. I’ve concluded that it is the desire to avoid emotional pain that underlies this [...]

By |2021-04-15T14:55:02+00:00April 30th, 2021|Inner Power, Intuitive Guidance|

Doing Psychic Readings – My Way

Doing Psychic Readings – My Way Over the years, doing psychic readings has been part of my work as a counselor. I have offered readings on a professional basis to many individuals. I have also used intuition along with my careful clinical thinking to create treatment plans for my therapy patients. My psychic readings are [...]

By |2021-05-02T12:59:12+00:00April 16th, 2021|Stress Management|

Twenty-Twenty Visions

Twenty-Twenty Visions New Year’s resolutions have typically been wishful thinking that doesn’t always lead me to action. However, refreshing my personal and professional goals at the beginning of a new year, especially at the start of a new decade is another story. In year 2020 I am pleased to reaffirm my visions for goals that [...]

By |2020-01-20T20:43:47+00:00January 20th, 2020|Stress Management|

What Does It Mean To Be Psychic?

What Does It Mean To Be Psychic?   One of my first psychic teachers was Ramona Garcia, a popular psychic and very wise, spiritually gifted woman. Ramona taught me that although psychic knowing can feel magical, the psychic power of mind is not actually magic, but a tool to be used in a variety of [...]

By |2019-11-18T03:18:57+00:00November 18th, 2019|Stress Management|

Becoming a Clinical Wizard

"Through the trees" by vitali_shkaruba is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Becoming a Clinical Wizard The Transformational Alchemy of Metaphor in Integrative Psychotherapy   Bette Freedson, LCSW, LICSW, CGP 207-384-5538 #2   Metaphors, and their cousins, simile, analogy, allegory and parable, contain rich sensual imagery that can cognitively, intuitively and quietly direct attention [...]

By |2019-11-18T03:19:09+00:00November 18th, 2019|Stress Management|
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